Rosicrucian Society ™


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On whistling stormcloud; on Zephyrus wing,
The Spirit-choir loud the World-anthems sing
Hark! Lis't to their voice we have passed through death's door
There's no Death; rejoice! life lives evermore.
We are, have always been, will ever be.
We are a portion of Eternity
Older than Creation, a part of One Great Whole,
Is each Individual and immortal Soul.
[pg 041]
On Time's whirring loom our garments we've wrought
Eternally weave we on network of Thought,
Our kin and our country, by Mind brought to birth,
Were patterned in heaven ere molded on earth.
We have shone in the Jewel and danced on the Wave,
We have sparkled in Fire defying the grave;
Through shapes everchanging, in size, kind and name
Our individual essence still is the same.
And when we have reached to the highest of all,
The gradations of growth our minds shall recall
So that link by link we may join them together
And trace step by step the way we reached thither.
Thus in time we shall know, if only we do
What lifts, ennobles, is right and true.
With kindness to all; with malice to none,
That in and through us God's will may be done.
[pg 042]
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