Rosicrucian Society ™


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Thus we see that when the opening sentence of St. John's gospel is properly translated, our Christian Religion teaches thatonce a virgin substance enfolded the divine Thinker:—God.

That is the identical condition which the earlier Greeks called Chaos. A little thought will make it evident that we are not arbitrary in finding fault with the translation of the gospel, for it is self-evident that a word cannot be the beginning, a thought must precede the word, and a thinker must originate thought before it can be expressed as a word.

[pg 109]

When properly translated the teaching of John fully embodies that idea, for the Greek term logos means both the reasonable thought,—(we also say Logic),—and the word which expresses this (logical) thought.

1) In the primordial substance was thought, and the thought was with God And God was the word,

2) that, [The Word], also was with God in the primal state.

Later the divine WORD; the Creative Fiat, reverberates through space and segregates the homogeneous virgin substance into separate forms.

3) Every thing has come into existence because of that prime fact, [The Word of God], and no thing exists apart from that fact.

4) In that was Life.

In the alphabet we have a few elementary sounds from which words may be constructed. They are basic elements of expression, as bricks, iron and lumber are raw materials of architecture, or as a few notes are component parts of music.

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